Interviu duplex Tony Claasen si Andrei Ciuica - 2021

Tony Claasen si Andrei Ciuica, protagonistii mesei 600 din cadrul derby-ului Bucovina-Banat

Publicat de  Mihaela Taranu  in 7 aprilie 2021

In weekendul 20-21 martie 2021 s-a desfasurat  editia cu numarul 48 a derby-ului Bucovina-Banat  in cadrul careia masa cu nr. 1 a editiei a fost si masa cu nr. 600 a intregului turneu.

bucovina banat masa 600

Va oferim in continuare un interviu cu cei doi protagonisti ai acestei mese aniversare: Tony Claasen si Andrei Ciuica.

Tony Claasen

tony claasen sportsman

What was your first contact with the game of GO?

Actually it was the other way around. What is the first contact GO made with me :)
My art teacher had organized an introduction lesson (this was in 1979) and I went there to tease him. In the end I was captured by the game from the first second I started to play.

What changes in the world of GO did you witnessed since you joined it?

First I got older in the eyes of the new young players :)
The biggest impact on GO is of course AlphaGo and the way humans play now.
Also we now see an increase of the cheating in tournament games because of the different available bots.
The way tournaments are organized has changed, I once organized the Amsterdam Tournament for around 200 players by hand. And last but not least, more rules for playing have been introduced in this period.
International contacts have become a lot easier... I use to write letters (by hand) to keep contact with (girl)friends.

They say each player has a unique style. What is yours?

I am not sure if I have an unique style. I love to experiment in any part of the game, not hindered by theories or standard moves. I like to play games with a fast development and fighting games.

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Masa 600, partida 1 - Bucovina-Banat (48) din 20 martie 2021

What does GO represent for you?

Go is life, without GO I would not have my lovely 5 children.
I have been in many countries in Europe and in Korea. I have friends (whom I met personally) all over the world.

What was your best GO experience?

Personally my first big title (European Champion 13x13 in Porrentruy, 1982) is to me the best experience as GO player, especially the party to celebrate this was great.
Than again best of all is the many people I meet and the fun I had before, during and after games being played.

tony claasen young

What other hobby do you enjoy, besides your love for GO?

My biggest hobby are my 5 children.
I like to read, listen to music, sing (karaoke) and enjoy being a very bad artist with colors making small paintings.
Most of all I love to cook, as I can combine with music and singing. Maybe next time in Vatra Dornei I can cook.

Why did you choose to represent Bucovina team in this derby?

When you asked me I was happy to be part of the team, enjoying games and talk/chat a little with friends.
And of course I miss the yearly Winter GO Festival, this is only but a drop on an hot plate (even when it is an outstanding drop) as compensation.

Andrei Ciuica

andrei ciuica agricultor

Cum a decurs prima ta intalnire cu GO-ul?

Prima, prima a fost cu piese de hartie pe o tabla de sah, dar nu ne-a prea prins nici pe mine nici pe frate-mio care e cu 7 ani mai mare. Prima, a doua a fost cu un joc de GO adevarat, dupa ce el fusese la club la Timisoara, imi dadea 9 piese handicap si tot aveam impresia ca inventeaza reguli noi.

La ce schimbari din lumea GO-ului ai fost martor de cand te-ai alaturat ei?

Cred ca a crescut komi-ul intre timp si au invatat calculatoarele sa joace GO.

Se spune ca fiecare jucator de GO are un stil aparte. Care este stilul tau?

Cand joc bine cred ca joc teritorial si solid, cand joc prost iese un stil inchistat, rigid.

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Masa 600, partida 2 - Bucovina-Banat (48) din 21 martie 2021

Ce inseamna GO-ul pentru tine?

"Viata e plina de vise. La fel si tabla de Go"

Care a fost cea mai faina experienta de GO a ta?

In perioada studentiei a fost cam un an cand a facut Jim armata la Timisoara, aia a fost o perioada tare faina!

andrei ciuica sensei

Ce alt hobby ai pe langa dragostea fata de GO?

De vreo 4-5 ani m-a cam apucat  gradinaritul  si in general pun ceva mai mult pret pe lucrurile ce le pot face cu mainile.

 Interviuri jucatori de GO